Recipe source :
Wendy table for 2 or more
Aunty Young
Topo Map Love Cake
Ingredients :
150g unsalted butter at room temperature
90g caster sugar
3 eggs (I used 60g each x 3)
1 tsp baking powder
180g cake flour, sifted
75g evaporated milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract - for 1st portion of batter
1/2 tsp pandan paste - for 2nd portion of batter
1/2 tsp cocoa powder - for 3rd portion of batter
2 tablespoons cocoa powder for creating the topo lines
Method :
1. In the bowl of your electric mixer (or with a hand mixer), cream the butter and sugar until creamy, pale and fluffy (about 2 minutes).
2. Beat in eggs, one by one, beating well after each addition.
3. Sift the cake flour together with baking powder. Add half the sifted flour into the butter mixture and beat on low speed until well combined.
4. Mix in the evaporated milk until well combined.
5. Add the remaining flour into the mixture and beat on low speed until combined.
6. Preheat oven to 170°C. Line the baking pan with baking or parchment paper (I used a 9x5 inch loaf pan).
*the oven temperature may vary, do adjust accordingly.
7. Divide the batter to 3 portions. Mix vanilla extract to one portion, pandan paste to the 2nd and cocoa powder to the 3rd portion.
8 (a) Pour the vanilla flavour batter into a baking pan lined with baking/parchment paper, level it. Evenly sift a thin layer of cocoa powder over (1 tablespoon).
(b) Pour the pandan flavour batter on top, level it. Repeat the sifting of cocoa powder (1 tablespoon).
(c) Lastly, pour in the cocoa batter, level it. With the final layer clean (no cocoa powder on it)
9. Bake for 35 - 40 minutes or until toothpick inserted into the cake and comes out clean.
After slicing the loaf ... I like the cocoa lines, kinda like one of the CNY greetings 步步高升 (going up every step of success).
So, placing some Topo Map Love Cake together with the Niangao & tangerines 年糕 & 橘子 ... looks auspicious too ^•^
祝大家: 年年高升,事业有成!
Wishing you success and prosperity !
Wishing you success and prosperity !

I'm linking this post to the
"Cook & Celebrate: CNY 2015" event organised by
Yen from Eat your heart out, Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.
Yen from Eat your heart out, Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.
'My Treasured Recipes #5 - Chinese New Year Goodies (Jan/Feb 2015)' hosted by
Miss B of Everybody Eats Well in Flanders and co-hosted by